SED - Sanat Eğitimi Dergisi
Ana Sayfa Guide for Authors

The Evaluation of Articles

As a first step, the manuscripts that are sent to SED are evaluated with regards to the rules of journal principles and orthographic rules by editors. The approved articles are delivered to Editorial Board. The Editorial Board evaluates the context of articles and sends them to two referees in related fields. This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity. The Editorial Board makes final decision whether publish the article or not in terms of the referee’s report.  The articles which are decided to being published by the Editorial Board, come in the list of publication and the authors of these articles are informed. The authors’ royalties of articles (published in SED) are supposed to be assigned by SED. The responsibilities of opinions in published articles are under author’s charge.

Publication Language

The publication language of SED is both in Turkish and English.

General Rules

1. Your essay should be typed on standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11") with 1" margins on all sides.The writings need to be in Microsoft Word Programme, and written in 12 pt. Times New Roman font and with 1,5 space. 

2. The texts should include these sections as title, abstract (Turkish and English), key words, main body, references, footnotes, tables, appendixes, figures and author note.

a)Title: the title should be  maximum 10-12 words (maximum 50 character with the space between words) in title page.

The Author’s name: The name of author’s needs to be written under the title of the text, the job title, address of institution and e-mail can be attached to authors’ last name with * text in the first page.

b) Abstract and keywords: The brief summary of article needs to be written in both Turkish and English under the title of Özet and Abstract has to be 200 words or less. Key words (more than two but fewer then eleven) should be written in Turkish version under the title of Anahtar kelimeler and in English version under the title of Keywords. The both Turkish and English versions should begin on a new page.

c)  Main Body: Begin a new page. The essays of empirical studies should consist of introduction, method, results and discussion parts. The order of these parts can be changed in terms of the context of review articles. The head title of article needs to be written at the upper right corner of the each page with page number. The title of essay should be in the first page and there is no subheading at the beginning of article as ’Introduction’ .The essays should begin with a paragraph. The method, results and discussion parts needs to be successive without beginning new page.

Introduction part should include a brief summary of approaches and results in literature and the main aims of article. The method part needs to consist of three subsections as participants, research materials and procedure. Results should include the all statistical analyses, the mean and standard deviation of each variable. Tables and figure should be placed at the end of the essay in new pages. In given tables, the numeric values of standard deviation and mean should be indicated with M and SD respectively.

Discussion parts need to be formed in terms of the evaluation of recent study in the light of literature.

d)Begin a new page. All references cited in the text must appear in a ‘‘References’’ list.

In the text, others’ work is cited by inserting the authors’ last name and the date of publication.


Koksal (2013) ...

According to Koksal (2011)..

Dils ve Boroditsky (2010) …

According to Dills ve Boroditsky (2010) ..

If the works being cited has more than two authors but fewer than six, the first time you use, the author names need to be mentioned above; but for six or more authors need to be cited ,even in the first time you use, as Stallard et al. (2000) . If several works are cited at the end of sentence, the authors’ last names should be given in alphabetic order within parentheses.

... (Baggerly ve Exum, 2008; Gil,1991; Landreth, 2002).

The references should be given in an aphabetic order in References part.

e) Appendix : Begin with new page. The examples which are used in research, should placed in this part.

f) Tables: Begin with new page and the each table needs to be given in separate pages. The number and title of table at the top of the tables and starts the each initial with capital .The all tables should be prepared in the table section of  Microsoft Office Programme.

g)Figure titles and figures: Begin with new page. The number and title of figures should be given in same page in successive order with the capital initials of each word. Each figure needs to be taken part in new page. The total number of figures and tables should be under 5 or 6.

h) Authors notes: Begin with new page. If the essay is a summary of a thesis or there are sponsors of research needs to be mentioned in this part. Furthermore, the authors present  their thanks for contributions of study in this page.

3. The opinions mentioned in articles is in author’s charge.

4. The all references cited from published articles in SED must appear in a reference list. In the course of citation, the authors and publisher are regally responsible for the distortions of context of articles.

5. If appropriate, the Editorial Board could make a change in words.

6. The articles are not proper for the rules that will not be published.

7.The data of all published studies needs to be kept for 5 years by researchers. Either publication principles or the rules of international publication associations, as required, SED can demand the data and analysis programme of studies.

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